Thursday, May 22, 2014

Letting it go

Sometimes you need to let things go...........

This week I reflected on things I need to let go both good and bad. I spent time reflecting on thoughts I wanted to let go.

While reflecting on thoughts I wanted to let go, I also was reflecting on amazing thoughts and memories I wanted to send off as well.

I decided to write these message on card stock and attach them to balloons and literally "let them go."

My Balloons

My Messages

Holding the Balloons

Letting it go 

 The whole experience was so satisfying and rewarding.  Being in the sunshine and watching those thoughts go up far far away!

This is a practice that I really think I will continue as part of my healing and recovery  I loved sending good and negative thoughts up into the sky!

Monday, May 12, 2014


This week for my creative practice I visited a technique from Austin Kleon

Austin is a artist who created poem by blackout words of newspapers to create his poems.  I decided to make my own version of Blackout

Supplies needed:

Magazine, Book or Newspaper

Step One:
I selected a fashion magazine

Step Two: 
Choose Article

** I choose this article really just by flipping to a page and tearing it out**

Step Three: 
Choose Article 

**I choose the one at the bottom the title caught my eye**

Step Four: 

Use Sharpie to blackout words

** I just started drawing lines and choosing words not worrying about phrases or anything**

Step Five: 
Complete your poem 

Here is my completed poem: 

Still Need 

I never became?
he said my boyfriend didn't want to the right thing?
I've questioned become involved. 
Because I had me 
I am and you
Who's been some to go to call cautiously
But we all know what 


This was a really great project for me, I would love to continue with this process to create a collection using different mediums of words from newspapers, books, journals pamphlets ect. I think the act of using someone else words to create your own is very exciting and fulfilling. I'm interested in creating more blackout poems and then exploring movement and art with the influence of the poems created!