Monday, September 16, 2013

Keep Searching It Will Be Found

WEEK 3 Creative Practice Blog:

Creative Practice Prompt: Take a Line for Walk

"Out beyond wrong doing and right doing, there is a field. I'll meet you there."


  • This week we are going to Take a Line for Walk.
  • Please use a fresh white piece of quality art paper (any size will do) and a black Sharpie to begin.
  • I invite you to take a line for a walk without lifting the marker from the paper.
  • When you have completed your line or drawing path, you will invariably have a number of abstract shapes and spaces.
  • I invite you to fill in the shapes and spaces with blocks of color. There is no right or wrong way to complete this work of art.
  • If you are struggling to put pen to paper, you may begin by writing your name (or another meaningful word) in cursive without lifting the pen. Again, you will have many shapes and spaces to fill.
  • Please title the work with a Six Word Title, and make sure you sign your name to the work!
  • Please use audio, video, and photos to share your work on your Creative Practice Blog Post.

Additional Explorations:

  • If you would like to complete a second work, you may Take a Line for a Walk Down Memory Lane, as one of my artist in residence colleagues, Dr. Rose Marie Prins, often does.
  • What are some others ways you might adapt this model for participants in health settings?
  • If you were to add a second artistic discipline to deepen this creative process, what might you add?
  • If you were to adapt the creative prompt for a specific health population, what might you say to invite the participant into the creative process with you?


As I sat down to do this, I first thought, oh no I can't draw and then immediately withdrew that thought from my mind, I am so bothers when people tell me they can't dance.  So I have to imagine to a visual artist my statement was  just as annoying.  I put my pen to the paper and before I knew it I had my outline, now I wanted to ofcourse re do it since I have that type of personality, but I challenged myself and didn't.  I started to color and had a flashback of being in grade school when I had a substitute teacher that showed us how to color with small lines rather that scribble, I remember going home that day and sharing with my mom this discovery, while I don't think it was important to anyone I remember thinking I love how tidy this is...........I decided to title my work:

"Keep Searching It Will Be Found"

This title came to be when I was reflecting on my artwork and the continuous line, and that while we are all always searching along the way there is so much beauty along with chaos.

I think that I will use this Take a Line for Walk concept and use it in many settings including bed side at the hospital and with my younger dance students, I want to explore what can come from this a dance, a story, a song?  I think for all populations I want to explore this concept with I will start with just simple directions hand them a marker and paper and tell them to put their marker on the paper and start moving without taking it off the paper.  After that I would add in the color aspect or not.

Looking forward to explore this!!

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