Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Look Me In The Eye: My first Health Blog Respone

Can I really be doing a real blog....yes yes I am

I just responded to my first blog, let me tell you I was nervous, some people say talking on the internet is easier, I disagree.  I don't want to sound stupid or uneducated but I also understand that this is a learning process, just like doing a crossword  you don't pick up the paper and say hey I just finished the crossword.  It takes time and practice, just like blogging does I think.

I wonder if anyone will ever respond?  I am so happy that I found this blog though, and now 5 hours later, I need to be productive with other parts of my life :)

One thing I find so interesting about the Autism spectrum is the unknown, every single person is so different, in life and in the spectrum.  This is just a small bite I think of the controversy in this discussion. I commented on this article with another article I find very interesting.


See the blog I responded to here:

Look Me In The Eye: Autism and Asperger's - points on a curve, or different conditions?http://jerobison.blogspot.com/2013/08/autism-and-aspergers-points-on-curve-or.html

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