Thursday, September 19, 2013

Wk. 4 Health Issue Blog

This week I chose another subject close to me, prostate cancer.  My dad was diagnosed with prostate cancer a few years back, luckily he caught it early enough and is still cancer free.  September is Prostate Awareness Month! I posted on a blog "Women Against Prostate Cancer" about my support of this, I think that women should encourage men to get tested, these men are husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons and early detection can lead to easy recovery.  In the blog I posted a link to an article with statistics of prostate cancer.

My goal this month is to ask as many of my friends if there Dad, Uncle, Grandfather ect has been checked for prostate cancer, no offense to men, but many times it takes someone asking more than once to get things accomplished ;)

I hope you will do the same.

Here is a link to the blog as well as a screen shot of my comment!

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