Monday, March 9, 2015

Color of Compassion

"Color is a matter of taste and sensitivity" Edouard Manet.  As artist we know that color effects us, its what shapes our artwork.  As a dancer I use color with my costumes and props.  Color is a powerful tool, it can direct your audience.  I once choreographed a solo to silence and did a experiment.  I did the exact solo one week wearing all grey, feedback I received included comments such as: searching, seemed sad, looking for something.  Next week I did the exact solo in  a hot pink dress comments I received for this performance included: fun, exploring life, energetic.  The same solo the only difference was the color of my clothes.  Color is around us all day, so what color is compassion?  When I originally asked myself this question my mind started racing bright colors, cool colors, white, black ect.  I challenged myself paint compassion.  Not being a visual artist by trait this is always a challenge to me.  I would prefer to dance my color of compassion, but found that if I focus on the idea of dance with the paint brush it has a similar effect.  Embracing the dance of the paint brush.  I started with a blank slate and a plate full of paint colors.  I allowed myself to explore the colors to find my color for compassion.  What I created was a series of color patterns, in the green and blue family.  I find these colors rich and warm with a sense of safety, which I relate to compassion.  My artwork connects to my compassion, multiple layers and overlap throughout the art work.  There is dimension from the paint not all even of clean and tidy, which relates to compassion, compassion comes in all different forms.  The finished piece answered my question what color is compassion to me, not one color but a mixture of many.

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